Thursday, August 26, 2010

What works?

Another question that is I am often asked is "what are you doing to take care of that?" Although there are many forms of treatment, I chose to use the least harmful to my son. I am not against traditional medicine, however if it is possible to "heal naturally" I would much rather do that. There is always a time and place for every thing and if absolutely necessary of course I will go with traditional medicine.

So far what has worked best for my son has been really watching his diet. I've noticed that when we really monitor what he's eating (only feeding him the foods he's not sensitive to), he improves tremendously. He has been tested for food sensitivities (which was not cheap!) which is how we were able to determine what foods not to feed him. This can sometimes be a challenge especially when it's something he really likes and used to eat all the time.

Luckily I have a great source of support that consists of my husband, parents and my brother. As much as possible we all try to eat the same foods that my son can have. There are times when it's not always feasible, but my son usually understands is ok with it. We have learned where we can and can not eat out at and on the plus side I have even dropped some weight because of this. :)

Until next time, keep positive!

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